New pieces at Ivillage a study about how prolific texting is… with my take, of course.
And a piece on how to decipher texting lingo. Yeah, I’m c%l like that. I only had to look up like 88% of the terms.
New pieces at Ivillage a study about how prolific texting is… with my take, of course.
And a piece on how to decipher texting lingo. Yeah, I’m c%l like that. I only had to look up like 88% of the terms.
My 8-year-old is definitely a “mama’s boy,” and it turns out that my extra mothering and snuggling with him may help him later on in life. Read More
What Personality Traits Will Your Kid Carry Into Adulthood?
Is the person you were in the first grade the person you are today? To some degree, yes. A new study shows that personality traits are set as early as the first grade. The study looked at four personality traits: talkativeness, adaptability, impulsiveness and humility. Many subjects who were interviewed as children and again 40 years later retained the characteristics they had four decades prior.