The CBS Link is in!

Here is the CBS interview that I did yesterday on spanking and IQ.  Click on the video that says: Study: spanking affects childrens IQ.

Thank you all for your comments and responses.  I will be using your thoughts in an article for iVillage on Monday.  You guys have really taught me many things and opened up my eyes.  Please let me know if you have a problem with your response being shared on the iVillage site.  I will not use names, but I completely respect your right to privacy.

Enjoy the interview and thanks for your support!

5 thoughts on “The CBS Link is in!

  1. Insanitykim

    Um, could you just mention that I am awesome, and smart, and was never spanked? Nah seriously, awesomeness and congrats on the article and interview! *wildly jealous, I think*

  2. Bari

    Jen, this is fabulous for
    your career. Your blog
    mention in the CBS segment
    ought to land you right
    “smack” into a reality series
    with Jake and Ryan as the
    costars! Omg was that just me
    talking smack about you?

  3. admin Post author

    I have learned one thing from this study, plenty of intelligent people were spanked and plenty were not. Plenty spank and plenty do not. Actually, I learned nothing. I think I knew that.

    I’m sure if you polled Harvard students you’d find a mix of the two and the same would go for elementary school drop outs. I don’t spank, but I also don’t tell people how to discipline their children.

    Sooo, I think our IQ’s are safe for now. Well, mine is actually deteriorating due to hearing the Wheels on the Bus and Old MacDonald too many times, but that’s the price we pay… and a whole other blog.
    J from the B

  4. Jaime

    Good job Jenny!
    I have read about these studies in pediatric literature and I also know what the research has shown in the past. Spanking teaches fear and sends the wrong message, just like you said. That was great.

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