Featured at Citymommy.com!!!


The week of the new year my site got 8000 visitors, 8 THOUSAND!!!  Insane, considering my first week I peaked at 3, and that was just my husband and my parents.  Even my step parents boycotted till I convinced them I had skills (around week 4).  SO, you can imagine my awe and excitement at the multitude of people who stop by Suburban Jungle.

My 10 Resolutions I Can Actually Keep article, the one that got me fired from my column, has been picked up by many sites… about 10, one of which is an amazing social network called City Mommy.  Here is a little info about them. I am not required to do this!  It is out of the goodness of my own heart, my love for this particular social network, and my need for exposure and cold hard cash.

If you arrived here from City Mommy, please take a look around.  And take a moment to subscribe to the emails, they will make your day!

ENJOY, in a city near you.

Come join other Moms in your area, check out CityMommy!

CityMommy is a free social networking site for moms where you can

  • Meet new friends, create playgroups, and find resources!
  • Check out our “mom-approved” directory of local services.
  • Post questions and talk to other moms on our message board.
  • Take a look at our local events calendar
  • Share photos, videos & more.

This is an invitation-only website to keep it more community-oriented.


Log onto the community nearest to you!




Currently rocking out in Atlanta, Boston, Central Coast California, Chicago, Jacksonville, Long Island, NY, Los Angeles, Miami, New York City, North Alabama, North Jersey, Northeast Pennsylvania, Portland, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, South Florida, Southern New Hampshire, and Wichita!!!


Launching in additional cities in 2009

For more information, please contact [email protected]

11 thoughts on “Featured at Citymommy.com!!!

  1. Alison

    I knew something big was on your horizon!!! Congratulations—you deserve it, and screw the man who can’t take a joke!!!

  2. Insanity Kim

    Wait, I am like, 98% sure I only visited like, 7992 times…looks like you might actually be getting some traffic, for reals!


    Congrats! Your continual success makes me want to erase my blog and give up…(not really) !!!

  3. Pinwheel Girl

    Way to go! You are amazing! I am very happy for you…your posts make me laugh right out loud — something so very necessary and what we don’t get enough of…LAUGHTER. Congratulations and keep going!!!!

  4. rachy

    this is fantastic! one stupid man may fire you, but now your readership is larger then ever!

    (but i must remind you, Jenny, that though you may be featured at CityMommy, we can’t really can’t call you a true “city mommy” any more, you know, now that you live in that strange, far-away land of SUVs and driving to Starbucks, where no child is left behind, because they get a ride everywhere. you see, true city moms walk their kids to school and Starbucks!)

  5. Cherie

    Congrats. I knew you could do it. It certainly is a start in the right direction. I am very proud of you.

  6. Barry

    8,000 , Unbelievable !!!Keep up the good work and imagine if the recent percentages of growth continue ,what your readership numbers will look like a year from now. You’re a funny lady.

  7. Bari

    Go Jenny Go….
    You’re just getting started and if this the beginning I’m guessing a compilation book of your blogs is next and then certainly your own sitcom is on the horizon. You can do anything! I am so proud of you!

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