Halloween tips for NBC Dressed as Katy Perry – Obviously

Here is one of the segments for NBC 6 Miami, Yes, I dressed as Katy Perry.  I thought there would be some irony in a parenting correspondent dressing as Katy a few days after the whole Elmo debacle.  I know, your thinking which Elmo debacle right?  Yeah, he always seems to put his furry carpeted foot in it doesn’t he?  Anyway, enjoy.  I’ll post these segments as I get them.

Halloween Segment for NBC 6

12 thoughts on “Halloween tips for NBC Dressed as Katy Perry – Obviously

  1. rachy

    jenny, you’ve become a real pro at these TV interviews! i’m very impressed. and i hope you do own that purple wig … i love it and it makes you look just great. perhaps you’ll wear it on your next trip to starbucks!

  2. Catherine

    Greaaaaaaat! You need to post more of these. I love watching them. You should be on TV, oh, wait you are. Well, you should be on more!

  3. Karen Baitch Rosenberg

    SO PROUD to say I am related to you!!! (You present beautifully, and purple is def. your color!) Loved the tin foil comment. Although my thoughts went straight to a baked potato costume, stead Iron Man. Maybe next year’s theme?? Lots of Love, K.

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