Notice only me and the Doc are laughing.
So, here’s the back story: I met an awesome Today Show producer at the Mom 2.0 conference a couple weeks ago and we totally hit it off (PS she co-wrote Sh*tty Mom, which you may have heard of, as it was a NY Times bestseller). Anyhoo, very funny chick and completely D2E (that’s Down to Earth).
I just made that up and I think it’s something a person who is not at all D2E would write, which makes me enjoy the irony in it.
Moving on … Tuesday I got an email from her saying they are looking for a humorist.
“Holy fuck, I know a humorist,” I responded … and my heart started to pound out of my chest (and continued to do so until morning of the shoot).
Within 16 hours I was on a plane. I’m pretty sure I could’ve put a defibrillator to good use, but all they offered me was a bag of peanuts. Continue reading