Welcome to Anti-Aging 101 For Gen Xers – Oh, How I Wish They Gave That Course in College

anti-aging 101Let’s face it, if they gave Anti-Aging 101 in college I probably wouldn’t have taken it, because I would’ve been all, Why the hell would I take that class? I’m a young and I’m quite certain I look super hot in my BCBG body suit, boyish yet overpriced flannel and vintage Levis cut-offs — Eddie Vedder would be impressed.  I’ll never look back 10 or 25 years from now and regret not taking that anti-aging class or regret tanning on the tar-top roof of my dorm. Whatever! (Which I would say while making a W with my thumbs and first fingers. (Please, I’m a Gen Xer and it was the 90s. All references are accurate and most of them, embarrassing.)

If we only thought about aging beforehand. Logic said it was going happen and somehow it seems to sneak up on all of us. One day we look in the mirror and it’s too late – it already occurred. Then we fight it every step of the way.

Which is why I took on a job as the new blogger for SmartBeautyGuide.com … because I’m obsessed with finding the best ways to treat all the stuff that makes us aging Gen Xers insane. I’m not talking about the fact that our kids don’t want puffy sticker collections anymore or that Val Kilmer didn’t age well. Sure, we’re all pretty crushed by those things.  Who isn’t?

I’m talking about the things we can’t believe are happening to us … the things we’re trying to combat: wrinkles, cellulite, varicose veins, deep lines, fine lines, broken capillaries, age spots, loose skin, smoker’s lines when you’re not even a smoker, dark spots, sun damage, belly fat, sagging boobs … holy shit, we’ve got a ton of issues to tackle.

I get to talk to the best doctors in their fields, learn about cutting edge procedures and products and try some of the hottest and newest things on the market. I’ll tell you what hyped up creams are worth the dough and what low priced items are just as good, what procedures actually work (if they’re painful or not). We’ll talk peels, lasers, injectables … all the options. I’ll even do embarrassing before and afters. The things I do for you people, sheesh.

I’m hoping my weekly tips and findings will rock your world — maybe not as much as opening your Tiger Beat to find a pullout poster of Scott Baio or Rob Lowe, but close!

Follow the Series and Anti-Age With Me (Well at Least Learn What’s New and If it Works):

Spill: What aging issue bugs you the most and what do you want to know more about? (I’ll try to get you the info)

And please take a sec to share this series with all your Gen X friends — we’ll totally be Millennials by the time I’m done with you!

This post was Sponsored by SmartBeautyGuide.com – there is no product or procedure affiliation, which means my post topics are my choice and my findings are completely based on my opinions.

XO — my young chippees!


12 thoughts on “Welcome to Anti-Aging 101 For Gen Xers – Oh, How I Wish They Gave That Course in College

  1. Triplezmom

    Wait. . .did you wear hiking boots with your cut-offs and flannels? Because I did. And I’m sorry they didn’t offer that class back in the day, but I’m glad you’re helping us out now. My issue – beyond the wrinkles, which I was sort of expecting – is that my skin is much more prone to breakouts now than when I rocked flannel. But most stuff I try to use just destroys my skin. Help!

    1. Jenny from the blog Post author

      I have the same problem a normal zit now becomes a scar also, WTF. Ps I did wear my shit kickers or dr martens or the fake dr martens with my gorgeous ensemble. And in a pinch it was Birkenstocks. I know I’m sounding granola but I was grunged and wind blown and eyeliner smudged to perfection. It took a lot of work to look that on trend.

  2. Carpool Goddess

    Congrats, girlfriend! I need info on all the above. Everything has stretched, spotted or fallen, or all the above. Lookin’ forward to getting my groove back with ya 🙂

  3. Amy @ Carriage Before Marriage

    My once fabulous skin is blotchy and uneven. I know most derms would say use a product with retinoids, but that stuff is really harsh on sensitive faces (and also not okay to use if trying to conceive). What’s the next best thing?

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