Tag Archives: best

45 Insane Things Your Kid Will Say on Your Disney Vacation


A few years back when my little one was slightly pissed that Belle’s dress was prettier than hers.









What I marvel at, aside from the throngs of people chomping on those Neanderthal looking turkey legs, is the fact that my kids can find things to cry and complain about almost constantly in the place where dreams come true.

Luckily, mine weren’t the only ones. Sure my daughter may have set some kids off when she screamed Mickey Mouse is DEAD in a crowded room? Oh, that happened as I was explaining to her that Walt Disney (the original Mickey) was dead. Um, my bad, but she did ask.

And yes, my daughter may have shed a tear about getting the “wrong” colored magic carpet, but I watched a toddler flailing on the ground exclaiming his ice cream was too “drippy.” Nothing like watching other people with their children to make you feel sane! That said, here are things your children will probably cry about in the “happiest place on Earth.”

Imagine the following phrases said through dramatic tears, possible foot stomping, and maybe even ground flailing…

  1. I got wet on that water ride!
  2. I didn’t get wet enough on that water ride!
  3. That character is looking at me!
  4. The guy dressed as Nemo doesn’t look real like he does in the movie!
  5. You took one of my french fries!
  6. Belle’s dress is prettier than mine!
  7. My socks hurt!
  8. My hotdog touched my french fries! Continue reading

Tip O’ the Mornin: Microdermabrasion, Do I Need it?

I have added a Tip o’ the Mornin’ to my regular repertoire of hilariously funny, thought provoking and possibly award winning articles.



Well in answer to the question, Do I need microdermabrasion?  Yes. yes you do.  I don’t know exactly who you are but your skin is probably dull and the elasticity is probably slack.  Okay, I may be projecting, but along with suffering from dull slack skin, I selfishly envy fresh faced youth. It always makes me feel good to drive by a highschool, hang my head out the window and scream at the cheerleaders.  Things like. “Your pores may be small, but your such a slut and everyone knows it.” or “So what if you don’t have any wrinkles now, one day your kids will stretch your nether regions beyond recognition and your HS sweetheart will be a cheater working a dead end job, and your face will show it all.    I know what your thinking, Can I come?

If you think there’s a better way, then maybe you should try microdermabrasion.  First it sandblasts your skin with an abrasive material or ultrasound, then it vacuums your pores clean like a shag rug in the bathroom and last it stimulates new collagen production.  I have been trying to coax my collagen into regenerate for months now, so if this works, I can stop begging!  It costs $100-$200 a blast and should be done by a licensed professional –it can cause damage in the wrong hands.

Will it minimize wrinkles?  Probably not, but it can help with fine lines,  sun worshipers with skin damage and those who went through that awkward teen acne.  Who am I kidding, I still break out at “that time of the month.”  That’s when I go to an old age home, hang my head out the window and scream, “I may have a zit or two, but at least I still get my period.”

If you have an experience with microdermabrasion, please share.